Punchy Provocations

Good copy stops people in their tracks. Heeding David Ogilvy’s advice in Ogilvy on Advertising – that nine out of 10 people won’t read the body copy of an ad – these pieces of work made sure that their headlines provoked audiences into action.


Wilmore Funeral Home | StatMed Healthcare | StarMed Healthcare, Charlotte | 2022

Death’s no laughing matter… until it is. During the pandemic, specialist healthcare provider StarMed Healthcare used blunt humour to convince people to get vaccinated. The resulting campaign led to a 22% increase in vaccine appointments the week after it ran, showing how to raise eyebrows by flipping a message on its head.
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Netflix Is a Joke | Netflix | Netflix, Los Angeles | 2018

Netflix unleashed an unbranded self-deprecating campaign to launch its new focus on comedic content. The OOH and video ads made the streaming platform the butt of its own joke, causing speculation as to who was behind the slander. The no-nonsense campaign demonstrates how to resonate with audiences who respect a brand’s ability to laugh at itself.
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Nike Dream Crazy | Nike | Wieden+Kennedy, Portland | 2019

Nike’s 30th-anniversary film put the brand shoulder to shoulder with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s stance on police brutality, publicly supporting his activism with the tagline: ‘Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.’ By taking a clear stand, it appealed to younger generations and showed how polarising content can pay off: Nike’s stock price rose to an all-time high.
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Creating Anchors of Hope in a Stormy World | Patagonia | 2018

Patagonia’s bold ‘Don’t Buy This Jacket’ campaign increased the company’s global sales targets by 30%. In this Cannes Lions talk from 2018, the brand’s European Marketing Director Alex Weller shares the impact of staying true to your brand values – even if they seem counterintuitive to sales. At 14:55, he also describes how this tagline turned into an action-based platform called ‘Worn Wear’.
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Nobody Watches Women’s Football | Heineken | LePub, Milan | 2023

Ahead of the Women’s Euro 2022 Final, Heineken printed a defamatory tweet on the seats of Wembley Stadium. It then let the crowds prove the Twitter trolls wrong, releasing a live stream showing the slur being erased by a sea of fans. Negative sentiment around women’s football dropped by 83% on social media following the stunt, showing how irony can help transform a rhetoric.
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The New Recruits | Change the Ref | Energy BBDO, Chicago | 2023

Children in the US have a higher risk of dying in school than in a war zone. With the directive ‘Send your children to war’, gun control group Change the Ref caught people in their tracks and inspired thousands of students to participate in a pressurising walkout. It shows how to provoke action by borrowing from the language of military recruitment.
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