Cannes Lions

3 Vueltas

R/GA, Buenos Aires / GATORADE / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






2023 was the first anniversary of Argentina’s third World Cup, which led to people crowding the streets for a week of non-stop celebration. It was also an opportunity for Gatorade to join the party. The ask was to connect Gatorade to the World Cup anniversary, highlighting the emotional, undisputed role the brand plays in sports and football.


When you win the World Cup, you celebrate by taking a lap around the stadium, or as we call it in Argentina, “dar la vuelta.” Vuelta meaning lap, spin, turn or twist - like the twist of a cap.

We wanted to create a parallel between the joy of winning 3 World Cups and the enjoyment of opening and drinking a Gatorade. So, we designed a PR-worthy, trophy-esque Gatorade bottle that opens with 3 twists (vueltas) of the cap, one turn to celebrate each of Argentina's victories.


We needed more Argentinians to feel that Gatorade was for them, so the bottle was created as a way to bring Gatorade into popular culture, connecting with fans in the most authentic way, by centering it around one of their greatest passions, football.

To drive hype around the bottle, we used a top-down approach, starting with a placement on a very prominent football TV show, hosted by a former champion, where we surprised him with the bottle. Then, other players and influencers started asking for it, so we built off of the buzz by creating social assets and sending to them too. Producing a video with a sports influencer who took the bottle to all three stadiums of the three championships, and even a video for Lionel Messi’s Instagram. Not to mention countless other social videos that ensued as each player and influencer unboxed their own bottles.


To celebrate Argentina’s “three vueltas,” (1978, 1986 & 2022), we designed a special Gatorade bottle that opens with 3 twists of the cap, one for each championship. The bottle was purposefully sent to players on all three championship teams (past and present), including Lionel Messi, as well as to influencers and the media. The limited edition bottle was also promoted online and even appeared as a surprise on ESPN. All very intentionally designed to drive further hype around the bottle.


The 3 Vueltas Bottle really brought Gatorade into pop culture, connecting with fans in an authentic and passionate way….

- Over 40 MM views

- 34% Engagement Rate (on champions’ social accounts)

- $352k Earned Media Value - 8.5x more than paid

- 12% increase in our CRM database

- Bottle sold out in 24hs and people are still asking for it.

- The cherry on top, when Messi himself posted the bottle on his Instagram, garnering millions of likes.

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