Cannes Lions

The Hopepage

VML, Sydney / UNICEF / 2018

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Case Film
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We created The Hopepage – a website that helps fund supplies for the Rohingya crisis, by mining cryptocurrency for UNICEF.

The web browser uses the computer’s spare processing power to solve complex algorithms, which is the basis of cryptocurrency mining.

The more people who leave the page open, the more cryptocurrency is mined and automatically donated to UNICEF.

We encouraged people to set the Hopepage as their homepage, using PR to gain national news attention and direct marketing to incite action.


We built a website that mines cryptocurrency in the background for UNICEF causes. Visitors to the website agree to donate spare computer power to the task, and then leave the tab open in their browser while they go about surfing the web as normal.

The Hopepage draws attention to UNICEF’s most urgent causes, and quantifies exactly what your cryptocurrency is funding – from water and shelter to vaccines and school books. Visitors see a tangible result from leaving the page open.

PR was used to gain national attention for this new way to donate, as well as social video appealing to people looking for a simple way to make a big impact for children in need.

All proceeds go directly to a cryptocurrency wallet owned and maintained by UNICEF, to be distributed where it is needed the most – giving hope to millions of children around the world.


The Hopepage is an entirely new revenue stream for UNICEF, giving donors a way to do something about humanitarian crisis around the world, by doing nothing more than leaving a web page open.

- In 48 hours we achieved significant media attention, gaining a reach of over 120 million people across 17 countries, without a single dollar spent on media.

- The average time spent on the site was over 14 minutes

- The collective time spent from all users in the first week exceeded four years.

- Awareness of the Rohingya crisis rose by 17%

- UNICEF Australia's most successful awareness campaign to date

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