President’s Pick: Rose Herceg, Creative Data Lions

The 2024 Creative Data Lions Jury President, Rose Herceg, President of WPP Australia and New Zealand, shares her favourite piece of work from this Lion in recent years. Her collection highlights work that made a “measurable, meaningful and long-lasting difference”. | (COPI) Central Office of Public Interest | AMV BBDO, London | 2021

This attacks air pollution in a shrewd way. It focuses on something homeowners care about – property prices – linking levels of deadly pollutants to any London address. The higher the air pollution, the bigger the financial gut punch. Shocked homeowners can then demand action from their local council. I love this work because it turns what is often an emotional argument into a financial one. Very smart.
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Inflation Cookbook | SkipTheDishes | Dentsu Creative, Toronto | 2023

This work transforms real-time data on price volatility into actionable, budget-conscious shopping for consumers. Buying food on a limited budget against the tide of inflation is hard. Giving people and families real tools to feel less like victims of inflation and more like warriors in the war against it is what the Creative Data Lions are all about.
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Fitchix | Honest Eggs Co. | VMLY&R, Melbourne | 2023

Strapping a Fitbit to free-range chickens is one of the cleverest ways to use data to tell a story. It’s fun, cheeky and very Australian. More importantly, it challenges all egg farmers to tell the truth. It turns Honest Eggs Co into a category hero, making every retailer want it.
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Shah Rukh Khan-My-Ad | Cadbury Celebrations | Ogilvy Mumbai | 2022

This combines the most famous star in India with the best of AI in a way that helps thousands of small shop owners make money and thrive. Giving people access to tech to create their own advertising campaign is inspired. Especially from a giant like Cadbury. It shows us that the best use of AI is to liberate it for the masses.
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Certified Human | Intel | Dentsu Creative, Chicago | 2023

Certified Human | Intel | Dentsu Creative, Chicago | 2023

I love this work because it utilises technology to help us stay human, detecting deep fakes in real time.  In an era where truth is being subverted at every turn, what could be more important? This idea worships at the altar of truth.
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