21 June 2024 / Host: Amplified Intelligence, Ipsos and Jones Knowles Ritchie / Stage: Rotonde Stage

It’s been described as the ‘age of average’, a ‘cultural flattening’ or simply ‘stuck culture’. A world of algorithms seems to be producing a sea of sameness across culture. It’s a big problem for marketers, who trade in distinctiveness. So how can a stand-out brand, well...stand out? Discover what's driving this move towards sameness, why the shift towards low-attention media is exacerbating the problem and – importantly – what brands can actually do to break free. Taking place throughout the week, the Creative Impact Unpacked series delves into key themes defining impactful creativity. Get inspired by five different perspectives and unpack what really matters when it comes to effectiveness. — The Creative Impact content stream at Cannes Lions is co-curated with WARC, the authority on marketing effectiveness. —


Karen Nelson-Field

Founder and CEO

Lisa Smith

Global Executive Creative Director

Eleanor Thornton-Firkin

Head of Creative Excellence in the UK

Aditya Kishore

Insight Director