20 June 2024 / Host: The Womb, India and The Effectiveness Partnership, London / Stage: Forum

Pioneering new research into boardroom's marketing battles with the top 100 marketers in India and their C-suites. It reveals extreme findings on who really are the villains, victims and heroes in today's boardrooms. What's the CMO-CFO-CEO relationship like? What should the C-suite be doing to help marketers succeed? In turn, how should marketing change to ensure the C-suite appreciates and invests in marketing? What are the learnings for the global marketing and communications communities? In this session introduced by President of The Times of India Group, Partha Sinha, join Gurdeep, Kawal and Manisha as they reveal the secret alchemy of successful C-suite relationships and equally, the causes of failings in others. — The Creative Impact content stream at Cannes Lions is co-curated with WARC, the authority on marketing effectiveness. —


Kawal Shoor


Gurdeep Puri

Founding Partner

Manisha Sain

Strategy Partner

Partha Sinha
