Cannes Lions









In the Czech Republic, despite the efforts of previous public service announcements (PSAs) to address the issue, there is a prevailing belief that car speeding is not inherently harmful. However, the stark reality is quite different—excessive speed is the leading cause of accidents with severe consequences (42.9%)3, responsible for a significant portion of injuries and fatalities. The socioeconomic impact of traffic accidents is staggering, with losses exceeding €3.33 billion, indicating the urgent need for intervention.4

To tackle this issue, the Czech Insurance Association embarked on a collaborative effort with the Czech Republic Police, and the Ministry of Transport's BESIP (road safety) department. Our shared objective was clear: to effectuate a fundamental shift in societal attitudes towards speeding and promote safer driving practices.

Launching our campaign amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges. With public trust at an all-time low and fatigue from government mandates at an all-time high, we faced an uphill battle in gaining traction for our message. However, recognizing the importance of identifying a theme that resonated deeply with Czech society, we delved deeper into the underlying motivations behind speeding.

Extensive research revealed a common thread: the relentless pursuit of time.5 Whether driven by a sense of urgency, the need to make up for lost time, or the quest for efficiency, time emerged as a central factor influencing driving behavior. This societal rush was traced back to the aftermath of the fall of communism in the late 1980s when Czechs embarked on a quest for Western living standards, often at the expense of their pace of life.

The infamous D1 highway, linking the two largest cities in the Czech Republic, serves as a poignant symbol of this collective rush. Despite its notorious reputation for accidents and congestion, drivers continue to risk their lives in pursuit of saving mere minutes. Data analysis revealed that speeding on this route could shave off an average of 13 minutes from a typical journey, underscoring the high stakes involved in prioritizing speed over safety.6

Inspired from this insight, we conceptualized a documentary film titled "13 Minutes", featuring real culprits of tragic accidents caused. In collaboration with Czech Television, the documentary aimed to humanize the consequences of speeding and provoke meaningful discourse on road safety.

Our campaign also employed a multi-faceted media approach. Television commercials depicted the harrowing consequences of rushing in everyday scenarios, while social media served as conduits for engaging content.

To extend our reach, we enlisted the support of influencers and driving experts, targeting youth with educational content aimed at promoting safer driving habits. Furthermore, road shows provided opportunities for direct engagement with the public, fostering a sense of community involvement in the campaign.

Through these concerted efforts, we sought not only to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding but also to spark a collective shift towards safer driving. By addressing the root causes of speeding and leveraging diverse channels for dissemination, we aimed to make a meaningful impact on road safety.

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