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Providing better connectivity in the Philippines has been an enduring challenge for Globe and other telco providers, due to several factors. Despite all efforts, telco providers were continuously blamed on the country’s state of connectivity, as Filipinos were unaware of these hindrances which constrain Globe from rolling out improvements more aggressively.

It takes 9 - 22 months to process 29 - 35 permits from various government agencies to build one cell site. Policies also vary heavily between local governments, adding to the complexity of a fast network rollout.

Globe created the #1stWorldNetwork campaign with the objective of changing the perception of Filipinos towards connectivity improvements, and encouraging them to rally along with Globe in easing up cell site builds. Globe's aspiration is for a 3rd world country to experience 1st world connectivity through this campaign.


From a communications standpoint, Globe wanted to convey to the public how it translated its major investments to its commitment to the Filipino people. Globe wanted consumers to understand that Globe is leading the fight for better Internet connectivity in the Philippines, with the aspiration of building a #1stWorldNetwork. The message was planned to be communicated in three phases - EDUCATE the public, make the public ACT, and EVANGELIZE others to join the movement.


In order to communicate this, Globe analyzed the consumer landscape by identifying key channels to deliver its message. Three critical channels were identified: media, social, and influencers.

Media engagement through news sites, was identified as key channels outside of social media that were important for awareness and information dissemination. The relevant stakeholders needed to be tapped from a PR standpoint were identified - editors, journalists, chief executives. By mapping the best performing news partners and key stakeholders, Globe would be able to effectively generate multiple press releases and amplify its initiatives to the masses.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were among the top 5 most used social media platforms in the Philippines. These channels were selected to visually communicate the different phases of the communication campaign.

By generating demand and clamor through a comprehensive array of informational materials, it was Globe’s intention to shift the battleground to the public.


The problem presented for the #1stWorldNetwork campaign was to effectively inform residents from various cities in the country that Globe is exerting extra efforts on improving network connection in these areas. The communication strategy came in phases: Educate, Act, Evangelize.

The delivery / execution for this campaign required 3 critical components: reach, understanding through engagement, and shift of public perception.

Reach was met through PR seeding, media campaign and influencer amplification to talk to the right audience. Our Educate-Act-Evangelize communication strategy was broken down to digestible stories and informational content to allow Filipinos to understand the challenges of Globe in rolling out network infrastructure. Globe utilized the capabilities of its media partners to explain the full story.

Globe also featured testimonials from real customers who experienced the network improvements. Various video materials and articles were published to show impact of good connectivity to everyday lives, livelihood, even disaster preparedness.


The #1stWorldNetwork campaign garnered mainstream media support on both offline and online channels enabling remarkable decrease in negative sentiments towards Globe. From limited response and action by the government, the campaign sparked a pivotal moment of Globe’s CEO Ernest Cu being invited to meet with no less than President Rodrigo Duterte himself in a nationally-televised Presidential briefing. Through this meeting, Cu was able to expound on the difficulties of the telcos directly to the President.

Just 46 days after the meeting, the Bayanihan to Recover As One Act was signed into law, pushing forward measures to shift Filipinos to digital, including the temporary suspension of requirements to secure construction permits and clearances, and streamlining of regulations for ICT infrastructure.

From a maximum of 35 permits in 22 months, the requirements to build a cell site dramatically decreased to only 14 permits in 4 months; Globe was able to secure a massive total of 715 permits within 2 months. This shift allowed Globe an even more ambitious network upgrade, and improve the user network-experience.

In January 2021, the President acknowledged the DICT’s report on the improvement in the country’s connectivity, while also agreeing to the recommendation of continuing the improvements being done by the telco industry.

Overall, the #1stWorldNetwork campaign reached 1,980,155,519 (duplicated) with an estimated media value of S$9,082,452.44. More importantly, the real action from the government as a result of the #1stWorldNetwork campaign is the bigger achievement that Globe is proud of.

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