Cannes Lions


GREY, Guayaquil / SISTEMAS GUIA S.A. GUIASA / 2021

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Demo Film
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Ecuador is on its way to surpass last year´s propagation rates. Ecuador has not been able to understand the importance of social distancing in this COVID 19 emergency.


Due to the 1-year-landmark of the safety measures implemented against coronavirus by COE ( Ecuador´s Center of Emergency Operations), METRO, one of the biggest FREE newspapers in the world wanted to remind their readers we still have to respect the social distance.


-Increasing awareness about the situation

-Persuade people to respect social distance in hot zones of the pandemic.



Metro, one of the biggest newspapers in the world, which is distributed in the biggest cities of Ecuador, decided to do something to address this issue and remind people about social distancing.

Metro changed its name from METRO, (which stands for “meter” in Spanish) to 2 METROS (which stands for “2 meters”). The shape of this publication itself also changed, from the standard 4 body tabloid format into 2 meters long unibody format, showing us the proper social distance needed during these difficult times.


Data Gathering

For the distribution, we looked for cities and places that had the biggest agglomerations and infection rates. These hot zones of propagation within Quito and Guayaquil were our primary target. We used COE (Ecuador´s Center of Emergency Operations) coronavirus metrics about hot zones of the disease propagation from January 20th to March 10th of 2021.

Target audience

Male-Female Age 20+. Living in hot zones of the outbreak of Quito and Guayaquil.

For the distribution, we looked for cities and places that had the biggest agglomerations and infection rates. These hot zones of propagation within Quito and Guayaquil were our primary target.


Getting directly to people and raise awareness about the importace of keeping social distance.

Call to Action:

We have to keep distance to be close further again.



For the distribution, we looked for cities and places that had the biggest agglomerations and infection rates. These hot zones of propagation within Quito and Guayaquil were our primary target. Printing a tirade which managed to reach thousands of people in several neighborhoods and prominent zones where the disease was getting out of hand.

Media Planning

This was a special edition delivered in hot zones of the coronavirus outbreak of Quito and Guayaquil to commemorate one year of the socially security health measures against the pandemic.


Value to brand

METRO was shown as a brand that is close to people and knows how to get their attention

Value to consumer

People found this as an innovative way to create awareness about Social Distance.


The idea had a new approach as to what our readers expect form a newspaper. Over 47% of the hot zones in Quito and Guayaquil were covered with out message. Over 40K of meters of social distance were approached.


The newspaper is FREE, but all advertising spaces were sold.

Achievement against brief

The sole purpose of finding a clever way to speak about the lack of care and remind readers about the proper social distance was successfully achieved.