Cannes Lions

25th Hour


Case Film
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New Year’s Resolution - at the end of every year, millions of Americans decide they are going get in shape as part of their New Year’s Resolution. There are many different types of resolutions (ie drink less, be nicer, volunteer more), and “get in shape” is prominent among them.

CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost


In the fall of 2018, as everyone began to hunker down for a few months of seasonal

hibernation, we decided it was finally time to call bullshit on the excuses.

Since people are always saying they’d workout if they just had more time in the day, the big idea was to get them thinking about what they would do if there actually was a day with more time.

We launched the national TV campaign on Monday Night Football, primetime, with a spot that

directly called out football-watching couch potatoes.


Our research and data came from analyzing fitness culture across social media and Orangetheory Fitness members (existing and prospects).

OTF member research told us that the average person spends 2 hours a day on social, 6 hours watching videos, totaling 11 hours of media consumption. Yet somehow the #1 excuse for not working out is that there’s not enough time in the day.

Via our social media control center, where we track millions of inputs daily, we learned that the hardest part of creating a fitness regimen is finding the motivation to get started with changing your life. The default is putting it off, telling yourself you’ll get started next month, next year etc.

For a global fitness brand with a mission to help everyone live a longer, more vibrant life,

Orangetheory set out to disrupt this mindset.

Our breakthrough moment was when we realized there’s a day every year when we all get a free “extra hour” of time - Daylight Savings. 25th Hour called people out on their "not enough time" excuse, and used the day as an occasion to get motivated.


Social media lit up, with responses ranging from feeling personally attacked to inspired. Everything drove to our 25th Hour website where visitors could read stats about time prioritization, call out their lazy friends on Twitter, and sign up for a free class on November 4th.

The press, Orangetheory members and local studios spread the word like wildfire. Not only was it the largest member sign-up day in the company’s history, but the 25th Hour campaign also led to a 500% increase in studio daily averages.

In total, 30,000 new members signed up on November 4th, growing a company with 1,000,000 members by nearly 3% in a single day. By the end of November, Orangetheory had wrapped up their highest comp sales month in history. We took a cultural insight and turned it into a big idea to achieve record-breaking results at the end of the year.

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