Spikes Asia

"60,000 Bubbles worth of Ecological Impact”, Bubble Wrap Art in Shibuya


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Case Film






Today is the first mass extinction since the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

In the midst of this , Toyota Motor Corporation is taking on the challenge of eliminating the environmental impact of its vehicles and engaging in activities that will further benefit the earth.

As one such activity, the company has long been engaged in activities in harmony with nature, such as large-scale forest care and satoyama preservation, utilizing technologies cultivated in its business operations.

The company has been working together with the people of the communities where its plants and other bases are located.

However, because it is important for many people, not just Toyota, to work on ecosystem conservation, an educational campaign was necessary.


Because "protecting the environment" is such a common appeal, it was essential to create a method that would make it strongly personalized.

First, the world's largest artwork was created publicly at one of Japan's leading terminal stations over a period of three days.

60,000 air pockets of the bubble wrapping material were filled with ink to depict a beautiful and diverse ecosystem.

Next, they "crushed" the completed beautiful artwork in an unexpected destruction.

Japanese people have a habit of crushing bubble wrapping material because they "feel good”.

By using the crushed bubble wrapping material, the artist expressed the fact that we are destroying the ecosystem by our unintentional actions. The idea was to attract the interest of even the younger generation who have little interest in automobiles.

Furthermore, a video was produced and was made available to see throughout Japan.

Three levels of appeal were achieved through a single measure.


■The world's largest bubble wrap art with approx. 60,000 bubbles, 2960mm x 1860mm

■Developed an application that identifies the right color to inject into each exact bubble

■Using 120 traditional Japanese colors from the 9th edition DIC color range N701 to N1000

■Injected by hand, one bubble at a time, with a syringe

■Developed a special thick dripping ink by mixing in eco-friendly hair gel

■There are many bubble wrap arts, but almost none that are calculated to be crushed.

■After completion, the animals were crushed at once by human hands, making them look as if they were shedding tears


Passersby stopped one after another to look at the eccentric art in front of them, and the site was always crowded with people.

The site was picked up by many media, which includes 1 television and 45 internet, and received approximately 800 posts on social media.

The number of views on YouTube reached 1.97 million in the first month of its release.

External media commented, "It is novel to express the fragility of ecosystems with bubble wrap," and "It is surprising that one piece of art changes into something completely different from the first to the second half.

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