Dubai Lynx

A Ballad for the Truck-Driving Men


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Shell Rimula is the second biggest player in the heavy-duty diesel engine oil (HDDEO) category, with a 21.2% volume share. This segment is led by Mobil Delvac, with a 34.8% volume share, and the strongest heritage due to its extensive retail presence. Shell, also, sold all its gas stations in Egypt to Total. Since gas stations have always been perceived as the only outlets for engine oil change, the consumer had the mis-perception of Shell running-out of business.

Due to the economic downturn leading to multiple price-ups, Rimula’s target consumer, the truck-driver, shifted to cheaper alternatives. The challenge has become maintaining equity and share in an environment where consumers are forced to consider cheaper alternatives.

The objectives were to Increase value market share by 1% vs. 2017 & increase Rimula's brand preference by 2%.


They’re unsafe... untrustworthy... and unreliable! It’s unfair to shackle Egyptian truck drivers with superficial societal prejudgment, constantly positioning them as second-class citizens. Rimula, a by-now almost- forgotten oil engine, thanks to the cheaper alternatives, decided to play the trucker’s advocate.


Rimula stood for what’s inside; the human inside the truck, & the oil inside the engine.

Rimula managed to give truckers back their glory by positioning them as first-class humans. Rimula weaved together, truckers’ mantras into a poem in what soon became an ode to truck drivers.

Tuckers spend their lives on the road. They take their time to overthink what they left behind; deep thinkers with firm beliefs about the wonders of life. Almost all trucks in Egypt, are decorated with sentimental quotes, beautifully put together, highlighting personalized motivations. The point of view presented captured a novel and genuine side of a forgotten segment.


It wasn't about just any cast. The casting process was made to capture real people, real drivers, real families and real trucks. The casting process was mainly undergone in the marketplace, where we casted trucks with deep meanings, before even the drivers themselves. The drivers then were invited to get their families to share the filming experience; be it their mothers, their kids or their spouses.

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