Cannes Lions



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Case Film






In Saudi VW scores low on awareness, consideration and suffers from negative perception.

It was no surprise that after six months (with an annual sales target of 1700 cars) there was 1200 vehicles left in stock. VW decided to launch a liquidation offer on all 2014 models.

In Saudi a German label is normally associated with quality and VW was offering a discount on all their cars. From there came our idea:A German car for every Saudi.

Sounds straightforward? Not when you consider that the equivalent short Arabic phrase can be understood as a German woman for every Saudi.

We launched a teaser campaign that kept it open to interpretation and very quickly,it captured the imagination: consumers turned it into a hashtag.

It didn't take long for it to explode:people started toying with our message, then celebrities joined in. Soon women were asking for a German man for every Saudi girl.

We encouraged bloggers and YouTube creators including well-known YouTube comedy shows with millions of subscribers, to fuel the conversation further and they fanned the flames. So much so that we had to pull the plug on the teaser and move swiftly to the revealer campaign,where the cars’ features were brought into our play on words.

VW received 1696 test drive requests and all 1200 cars were sold. The campaign created a twitter frenzy with people turning our teaser “a German (woman) for every Saudi” into a hashtag, and we had comedians and celebrities contributing to the buzz, putting VW at the heart of a nationwide conversation


We launched a teaser campaign that kept it open to interpretation and very quickly, it captured the imagination: consumers turned it into a hashtag.

It didn't take long for it to explode: people started toying with our message, then celebrities joined in. Soon women were asking for a German man for every Saudi girl.

We encouraged bloggers and YouTube creators including well-known YouTube comedy shows with millions of subscribers, to fuel the conversation further and they fanned the flames. So much so that we had to pull the plug on the teaser and move swiftly to the revealer campaign, where the cars’ features were brought into our play on words


VW received 1696 test drive requests driving significant traffic into the showrooms compared to the previous maximum of 10 test drives per month. In the one and a half month span of the promotion all 1200 cars were sold (Source: VW sales & marketing data) compared to the past six months in which only 500 cars were sold

The campaign created a twitter frenzy with people turning our teaser “a German (woman) for every Saudi” into a hashtag, Tweets within the 1st 12 hours after the teaser launch reached 5,403; the number of images posted reached 118, Total potential impressions 28,997,011 and total potential reach 14,078,064(Source: Twitter & Rays of creativity) Putting VW at the heart of a nationwide conversation

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