
ACE - My Famous Bucato

DLV BBDO, Milan / ACE ITALIA / 2023


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Demo Film
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ACE wanted to realize a campaign about the efficacy of its products using a famous testimonial. But the budget was really low. So we came out with an idea and for ACE, we achieved this by choosing the perfect testimonial, one that has always been under everyone's eyes: the laundry hanging out to dry in Naples (The city, according to data, that uses ACE most to clean its laundry).

The operation took place in Naples, a city become super popular this past year due to Netflix Series and to the won of the Italian Serie A football match. All brands wanted to be present and this opened the media hunt. Finding media space became impossible without paying a real fortune.


ACE is a really famous brand in Italy especially in South Italy. Naples it’s the city that, according to the data, uses ACE most to clean its laundry. This year it has also been the place to be for brands and people (the city won the most important Italian football competition and many famous Netflix series were filmed there). The hype in Naples is really high right now but few brands could be present in the city in a natural way as ACE.

The area we choose for the operation was the Spanish Quarters, the most touristy place in the city but still the most authentic one. The operation was filmed and spread through the social channel of the brand.

We didn't plan or buy the media, we created it.


The execution of the idea is essential: few big frames were printed and hang out using balconies and windows as media of the operation.

We used different headlines on the billboards:

- Cleaned by ACE

- The thousand of colors of Naples, all cleand by ACE. (Using the words of a famous local song)

- A clean that rocks in Naples ("to rock" plays with the Spacca Napoli area because the name "spacca" has a second meaning like "to rock")

- A white that knocks them all out (In Italian "knock out" is the same word of "hanging out")

The operation lasted 7 days but it still gain recognition on social media of the brand.


ACE's perception increased a lot after this OOH campaign because a lot of competitor appreciated the work and people started thinking about ACE as a reactive and creative brand.


210 K Engagement

1,2 MLN Earned media

40 MLN Impressions

and all with 0 human testimonial and 0 post production.

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My Famous Bucato


My Famous Bucato


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