Cannes Lions


VML, Bogota / MAKRO COLOMBIA / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
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• Situation

The presence of Makro Supermarkets in Colombia has two major barriers: on the one hand, a smaller number of stores than the competition, which are also located on the outskirts of the cities, and on the other hand, a much lower budget than the rest of retailers in the country. This is a major disadvantage in a market where consumers need to find the best price available at the most convenient location for them.

• Brief

We needed to attract new shoppers to Makro who were customers of other retailers, under the promise of better prices and offers. To achieve this, we had to use an outdoor strategy with a very limited media investment.

• Objectives

- Achieve higher traffic in our commerce channels.

- Increase the number of sales conversions.

- Increase our number of clients.


Adscan. A shopping tool capable of converting any outdoor ad into our new commerce platform. By simply scanning a product ad, people can find a discount to buy it, compare prices, and accumulate products in their shopping cart to receive more benefits. In this way, brands advertise their products and we sell them.


Millions of people in Colombia are diversifying their purchases to stretch their budgets. A consequence of the rising cost of living and the effects of inflation that reached up to 20% at its peak. The search for affordable prices has become a ritual where Colombian households now tend to visit up to 8 different supermarkets chains a year to make their purchases, which generates a growing competition among retailers, forcing them to diversify and improve their offer to attract and retain customers.

Supermarkets such as D1, Ara, Éxito, Dollarcity and Olímpica are some of the main destinations for people seeking to maximize the value of their money. A shopping behavior that posed a great challenge for Makro, which, with a smaller budget and fewer stores, had to compete in a category plagued by offers.

(Makro: 22 stores / Total category: 3.688)

(Makro share of media: USD 1.4MM / Total category


• Implementation

Adscan started in its first phase as a pilot with a small base of Makro customers. Subsequently, we launched the tool nationwide using our own and digital media. Different allied mass consumption brands have joined the initiative in the search to increase their sales through our retailer and have found in adscan a new transaction and data collection channel.

• Timeline

The tool was launched on 04/01/24 nationwide. It is still in operation. In the coming months we hope to add more brands to help us expand the reach of the platform.

• Placement

Adscan is useful to buy in more than 15 cities in Colombia where there are currently Makro stores.

• Scale

The initiative has managed to reach Colombia's largest cities, where more and more people are finding a new way to save.

Bogota: 8.181.000 inhabitants

Medellín: 1.825.889 inhabitants

Cali: 2.297.230 inhabitants

Bucaramanga: 625.114 inhabitants


We can potentially save over USD 1.1 MM in media budget and convert it into discounts for people.

We forecast 20.000 new clients a year

And USD 15.7 MM of brand´s media budget in our favor.