Cannes Lions


PLANETACTIVE, Dusseldorf / BLUEWIN / 2004

Presentation Image






Campaign mechanics, including microsite: two advertising lines (line 1, focus on 'Speed', line 2, focus on 'Security') work to generate traffic to the microsite. Depending through which advertising line the user comes, he enters the microsite in the according content world, whether with its focus on speed or security. The microsite presented for the Cyber Lions Award shows the content world 'speed'. In both cases, the microsite contains a very short intro, showing the main character of the TV commercial at his preparations for the race. After the intro, the user has several ways for interaction. Speed World carries all relevant product information for the three products ADSL600, ADSL1200 and ADSL 2400; direct order of ADSL; an additional feature, the Speed-Checker, which immediately checks your current online connection; and a green teaser box on the right hand side to enter the security world. Security World offers interaction to gain more information about all three relevant security features for ADSL - spam filter, virus protection and firewall and a teaser box (blue on the left hand side) to enter the Speed World. Additional features: monthly poll with strategic questions about ADSL, including lead generation through a quiz and sales promotion with direct order functionality.

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