Cannes Lions


LATO C, Milan / BAUSCH & LOMB / 2012






In 2010, a law, Romani decree, in line with the European Parliament rule, enabled branded content entertainment. With this law, it is possible to insert a product or service but it is mandatory to inform the audience of the nature of the placement. Additionally the product or service must be consistent with the script.Because of this recent law, LATO C, an advertising talent show, was one of the first branded content shows to appear on Italian broadcasts.


Apart from the obvious self-promotion on the TV network, we worked hard to reach the core target audience of the programme and that of our brands.We drew the target audience in 2 phases. For the first phase, we advertised the recruiting process as much as possible in Milan universities using both physical activities (ads in neighbouring areas, billboards and guerrilla) and virtual activity with social networks.For the second phase, we implemented a broad online and offline PR campaign, and a social media campaign via Twitter and Facebook, just before the launch of the TV show.


LATO C talent show reached an audience of more than 500,000 people per episode, setting a season’s record for the Italian television channel Deejay TV (total audience increased by 18%).Almost 5,000 students of Polytechnic University of Milan were involved in the show: either for an audition, or were on the show as extras or with a leading role.Hundreds of articles on blogs and national newspapers talked about the show,and in most cases, with enthusiastic feedbacks. The format was judged to be an easy way to understand the world of creativity.4 brands took part in the show with their briefs. Above all, they decided to produce and broadcast the winning campaign ideas for real, with a 30-second commercial. A survey ordered by one of the brand involved, Confida vending machines, reported an increase of brand awareness by more than 10%.On January, Deejay TV decided to broadcast 3 reruns and planned a second edition LATO C talent show for 2012.We're proud to add that out of the 12 students involved, 9 found a job as copywriter or art director thanks to their participation. The 2 winners are currently working for us!

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