Cannes Lions


R/GA , San Francisco / AIRBNB / 2015

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Throughout the launch of Airbnb’s new identity, our tool was integral to the promotion of the company’s re-branding efforts. Users’ contributions on Create.Airbnb became symbols that the company and community rallied behind to help promote the new Airbnb mantra of “Belong Anywhere.” By launching on the same day that the new logo was revealed, Create.Airbnb gave its biggest fans and critics a way to interact with one of the most talked about re-brands in recent memory. To help stoke conversation, social activations, which included both a paid influencer campaign and promoted posts from Airbnb’s own channels, brought the best user-created logos & stories to the forefront to show just how well the Create.Airbnb program was received.


Create.Airbnb’s, goal was to give users a place to, create a unique symbol and share their Airbnb stories. To achieve this goal, we developed a customization system that, through the use of patterns, colors, and drawing, gave users limitless creation possibilities. Afterward, users were given the opportunity buy merchandise with their symbol on it so they could personalize their rental or have a reminder of their Airbnb story. In doing this, we were able to create an ever-evolving logo that people were proud to share on their social channels, stick in their front windows, and display in their homes.


Create.Airbnb users from around the world have created and shared over 150,000 unique symbols and continue to craft new symbols every day. These symbols and stories allowed hosts to further personalize their listings, and have given guests a way to share their Airbnb experiences. Furthermore, by sharing the brand’s new mark with its fans, Airbnb was able to make a statement that the community belongs to its users. This helped us build a sense of brand loyalty amongst Airbnb users and allowed us to reinforce the idea that each Airbnb experience is unique, personal, and worthy of sharing.

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