Cannes Lions


CCG.XM, Singapore / SILKAIR / 2002

Presentation Image






Background: SilkAir is the regional wing of Singapore Airlines. It flies to the more exotic areas of Asia. As such it is popular with hikers, divers, trekkers and other adventure seeking souls. For years it had hosted a static, brochureware site, which required continual manual updates and offered no automated services to its customers. Finally, leveraging the powerful backend of the Singapore Airlines site, it was able to port its content to a Content Management System and offer online bookings, schedules and other services. Approach: working closely with SilkAir and its other development partners, XM developed a series of visual concepts which captured the spirit of adventure embodied in SilkAir's destinations - tropical jungles, blazing sunsets, swaying palms and tribal motifs for the core of the design. XM also helped rationalise the site into a user-friendly and coherent structure and further honed the Information Architecture at page level to ensure maximum value and usability for each page. Templates were developed for key screens which were flexible enough to handle anything the CMS could throw at them. The result? A fun and exciting - yet clean and navigable site - which promotes SilkAir's services to the world ... and lets them make on-the-spot bookings.

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