Cannes Lions


PRIME, Stockholm / KRAFT / 2012

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Aladdin is a strong Christmas symbol for many Swedes. Especially amongst the elderly. In order to carry on the tradition we needed to strengthen Aladdin’s relationship to the younger generation. The goal of the 2011 Christmas campaign was to expand Aladdin’s digital circle of friends and to raise the knowledge about all the box’s 13 pralines.Drawing on the customs and traditions that exist around the box, Marabou issued a challenge to the Swedish people to discover exactly who had the best knowledge of the chocolate praline selection. For Christmas 2011 Marabou launched 'Sweet Memory', a pedagogical game designed to help you improve your knowledge of the pralines – name, appearance and positioning. The fastest time wins.

The word was spread and more than 25,000 games later the Aladdin Facebook fan base had grown by almost 100% cent – from 58,872 to 116,089, which make it the fastest growing page in Sweden for the whole 4 weeks. The time spent playing was 900 hours (more than 36 days!) and the level of engagement on the Aladdin fan page was increased by 372% compared with the 2010 Christmas campaign. And yes, even the sales went up by 6.2 per cent compared to 2011.


Chocolate is one of the few things that don't really deliver online. So we switched from pleasure to leisure and made the box of chocolates into a game. And we’re talking one of those games that you really learn something from. For Christmas 2011 Marabou launched 'Sweet Memory', a pedagogical game placed on Aladdin's Facebook fan page where you could hone your knowledge on all pralines: what they look like, their names and where they belong in the box. The players had to get through 3 different levels and the competition was to do it in the quickest time. Through charts, it was possible to follow national and friends' highscores. It was also possible to challenge friends and in that way we get a good system for invites.


The new generation really accepted the challenge and everyone wanted to show their brilliant chocolate skills. Or at least get some practice. When the competition was over more than 25,000 games were played and people had spent almost 900 hours moving around pralines in the virtual box. The Aladdin Facebook fan base had grown from 58,872 to 116,089, making it the fastest growing page in Sweden for the whole four weeks. The level of engagement was raised by 372% according to last year’s Christmas campaign which also took place on the fan page.By letting the people fight with their knowledge, we made them realise how important, appreciated and strongly rooted the red and white little box really is. Inspired by another famous game someone made, a quite aptly description of what it’s all about: Aladdin – a lifetime to learn, a minute to master.

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