Cannes Lions

FALLON, Minneapolis / SILK / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






The journey began when our team pondered a simple question “who owns the domain” The answer led us to a man named Gary Almond who has owned the domain for 22 years, the site remaining unfinished. Silk owes its entire brand to the power of these small amazing plants, and while others might not recognize their impact on the world, to us, the significance of almonds could not be overstated. To salute Gary Almond for his perseverance and dedication to all things almond-y, we thought it was only fitting to help him finish what he started.


Implementation of PR activities: Earned media went live on February, 16th, National Almond Day. The story was pitched only one day prior.

Timeline: Two-week turnaround from conception of idea, to in-market activation.


Tier 1: Media Outputs

o 1.9MM impressions garnered across 9 total placements on National Almond Day. A few of the placements include;

? AdWeek; this was a key placement in directly targeting one of the primary audiences (the advertising community) that we had initially targeted.

? Design Feeds

? sNEWSi

o Results of these placements was positive conversation applauding the work across the industry

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