
Amazon - Claire, Amazon Echo

FF PARIS, Paris / AMAZON / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






In June 2018, the agency is taking part in launch of the Amazon Echo smart speaker in France via a TV film, in the middle of the Pride month.

In a country like France where the subject of homosexuality is still being debated, coming out is an an important step for every young homosexual, and it’s often difficult to find the right words to announce it to their family and friends.


In June 2018, the agency is taking part in launch of the Amazon Echo smart speaker in France via a TV film, in the middle of the Pride month.

In a country like France where the subject of homosexuality is still being debated, coming out is an an important step for every young homosexual, and it’s often difficult to find the right words to announce it to their family and friends. The vocation of the Amazon Echo -via the Alexa artificial intelligence- is to gather and reconnect families through a technology integrated into the life of a household: keeping hands and eyes free.

This is how Claire, an 18 year-old high school student, who doesn't know how to come out to her parents, will get accustomed to using Alexa, and find a way to come out thanks to one of the device's features.


At a time when coexistence has become a major challenge for our societies, both nationally and at the family scale, technology suffers from a negative image: something that separates us rather than brings us closer.

But technology can also help us to get closer, talk to each other and live together more serenely on a daily basis.

Amazon Echo falls into this category: a facilitator for all the little moments of life, and adults too, an integral part of the home and able to bring members of a family closer together and not drive them away.

The perfect way to launch Amazon Echo while positioning Amazon as a connected brand that connects people and responds to their needs, in a rather skeptical market and introducing Amazon Echo with a campaign that goes beyond a product demo, on a market where OK Google already played the product centric card


In one month, Claire’s story totalized more than 8 million views on Youtube. Moreover, it took over social media and birthed a discussion over the banalization of homosexuality in the media space.

Best of all, the commercial reached the heart of hundreds of french teens in the closet.

They took over Twitter to share how the film eased their approach with their parents.

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