Cannes Lions

Annotation Battle

BBDO , New York / MARS / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






YouTube videos often feature text popups called “annotations”, which invite consumers to click to learn more about a product. We repurposed that technology in a video series that extended the Left Twix vs Right Twix rivalry campaign. In the videos, each side of Twix used a text pop-up to make fun of the other side’s commercial, leading consumers to click away for a “better” experience that began a back-and-forth video battle between the rivals.


The videos were concepted, produced and finished in just over 48 hours, on a budget that was more in line with a typical YouTube video than a TV spot. We partnered with YouTube to use their facilities to produce the videos. The videos ran globally as YouTube truview preroll, as a test to determine whether the global Twix campaign could benefit from being brought to life in a format that resembles native YouTube video.


In the end, although each video had its own style, all laddered up to the established campaign idea. Each piece of content was judged to be successful, performing as best-in-class YouTube branded content, and all of them helped achieve brand lift in consumer testing.

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