Cannes Lions

Arte. Europe's Cultural Magnet.

THE PARTNERS, London / ARTE / 2017

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Inspired by the observation that ARTE ‘brings Europe’s culture to one place’, we developed the brand idea: ARTE – Europe’s culture magnet.


The brand idents take a poetic approach, reflecting that ARTE ‘brings Europe’s culture to one place’. Each ident opens with the subtle formation of a European map. The medium the map is made of, for example stars, is then pulled in magnetically to create the ARTE logo. 

The programme category idents employ a more literal interpretation – the ARTE magnet attracts different subject matters from different aspects of culture. For example, the fiction ident features a script – the letters of the script are pulled off the page and gather around the magnet.

The stings appear at the end of every programme? – just four seconds, they’re designed to tease – the subject never reaches the ARTE magnet.

For the Promos and OSP, a typeface was specifically selected. Each letterform is made from a series of component parts, and these are then pulled together by the ARTE magnet to form complete words.


The idea, Europe’s Culture Magnet, has given the channel a narrative that works across all aspects of the brand; broadcast, digital and print.

Although only just launched, the idea and subsequent broadcast experience is already helping ARTE to reaffirm its position as Europe’s leading culture channel. The new broadcast brand has the flex to be able to represent its broad content – anything from a gritty Film Noir to an in-depth historical biography, in a way that makes their content more accessible to a wider audience group.

“ARTE’s new brand idea, Europe’s culture magnet has resonated with the French and German audiences, which is very rare for our channel because the tastes are not always the same. ARTE now has an idea that brings unity across our brand and also gives us the freedom to represent the breadth of our content.”

Cécile Chavepayre. Client lead, ARTE

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