Cannes Lions
GINGCO.NET WERBEAGENTUR , Braunschweig / AUDI / 2010
Summary of campaign successPrint mailing: The first presentations to dealers were so well received that the originally recommended number of 30,000 mailings was promptly increased to 100,000 despite the economic downturn. The response rate of the first round of mailings was so good that dealers subsequently ordered and sent out 150,000 copies of the second issue.
Audi A1 e-magazine: 45,112 visitorssocial-networks ( 15.163 fans, 347.096 visitors as at March 23th.Newsletter:Total number sent out: 9,909Online campaign:Click-throughs:Total: 9,181 (63.37%) – in relation to open rate (total), 92.80% in relation to total sent out.
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