Cannes Lions


BBH NEW YORK, New York / UNILEVER / 2013


1 Gold Cannes Lions
2 Silver Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Images
Presentation Image






For over twenty years, Axe has been all about helping guys get girls. Lots and lots of girls. But what about THE girl?

Every guy has one, the girl that blows him away so completely he's unable to approach her. We created a label for that girl, and her name was Susan Glenn.

Then, we created an integrated, multimedia campaign based on the simple premise that, even though every guy has a Susan Glenn, with the help of Axe, every guy can Fear No Susan Glenn.


For several weeks, unbranded content, memes and partnerships with MTV and SpikeTV seeded the name ‘Susan Glenn’ and what she stood for. Then, with the launch of a single film, Axe took credit for the phenomenon.

Online and mobile experiences gave guys the opportunity to publicly declare their own Susan Glenn’s by taking over Times Square with messages attesting to their awesomeness. Girls were eager to share the honour, some going so far as appearing in the banner campaign.

The campaign became so successful we added more content as we went. Developing a documentary about a guy travelling cross country to serenade his Susan Glenn followed as well as an original web series about Susan Glenn starring Max Greenfield from ‘New Girl’.

It all culminated with the term becoming firmly rooted in pop-culture and a whole new take on the Axe brand.


Being that our primary protagonist was a two foot hairstyle, the execution couldn’t have been much clearer. At point of purchase, guys were effectively made aware of both Axe’s recent foray into the hairstyle segment and the obvious benefit (or pair of benefits) said foray might bring them.

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