Cannes Lions

Ballet Dad

HSBC, Hong kong / HSBC / 2019

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A study was conducted in 2018 and found that Hong Kong people generally don’t believe in the idea of promises. In their experience, promises are often associated with disappointment, due to the failure of the other party to uphold their word. On the other hand, they are hesitant in making promises themselves, in fear of the belief that they cannot fulfil them. As a result, people have generally lost faith in the idea of promises on both ends.

This simple narration incorporated deep consumer insights. It isn’t merely a single heartfelt promise made by a father to his kin. It is showcasing the effort required to overcome the many obstacles we face in our journey to be true to our word, and keep our promises. Sometimes, we may need a little external help to give us that extra boost to succeed.


This film involves an out-of-shape father doing whatever it takes to keep his promise of performing on stage with his precious daughter. Through grit, persistence and determination, his daily rigorous training pays off as he finally attains the flexibility required to gracefully perform the dance with his daughter’s troupe. However, while he was landing from a difficult split leap, he slipped and almost toppled over. Thankfully, the troupe behind him gave him a helping hand in regaining his balance. At the end, the father understood that his word to his daughter was his bond, as well as the significant impact of ‘a promise is a promise’. His journey is ultimately a relatable, humanizing experience that connects him and his daughter to love and trust; something we all share and cherish.

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