Cannes Lions
105, Rotterdam / RABOBANK / 2009
That’s why we decided not to tell this story, but let teenagers experience it.We orchestrated the kidnap of a new student in a high school. Coverage in the media added to the experience. Soon after it became clear that it was the start of a crossmedia game.
Players had to rescue the student. As a reward they could win EUR 1000. We sent them clues and assignments through media they use in their day-to-day life, like social networks, mobile text messages and emails. This media choice showed that Rabobank understands teenagers.
The game kept both the players and the people around them busy for more than three weeks. One of the first assignments was to pick up a package in the Rabobank branch, which caused a lot of store traffic.Research amongst the players afterwards showed that 44% could name a reason why to choose Rabobank and 43% now regarded Rabobank as a much better bank for teenagers after this game.All players received an offer straight afterwards. 5% switched immediately and following weeks Rabobank noticed a significant increase of applications for bank accounts than before the game.
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