Cannes Lions


BOONDOGGLE, Leuven / AXION / 2009

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Axion, Dexia’s youth bank, has always supported youngsters between 12 and 25 years old in all aspects of their lives. As an ever increasing number of young bands are striving -in vain- for MySpace-fame and at a time when the international music industry is struggling to survive, Axion decided it was time to give young music bands a little push, financially and logistically.


Each banner led to the Banner Concerts website: the first website ever that consisted of nothing but banners. It was obvious to present all content, like contest information, the voting system, etc. exclusively via banners. Thanks to a simple scroll bar in several banners, users could easily navigate through the site.


This innovative campaign was not only a creative and technological showcase, foremost it connected Axion youth bank on a profound level with the needs of today’s young musicians.• 25 young bands got exposure for their live-gig via 6,807,442 banner impressions on well known internet sites.

• By providing an “embed”-option, we generated another 43,479 impressions via viral embeddings on fan pages and blogs. Some of these generated more than 20% clickthrough.

• The campaign website attracted 44,845 unique visitors, 7,581 people voted for their favourite band (a majority voted by premium SMS instead of free web-vote).

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