Cannes Lions

Battle Beautifully


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To launch Walgreens’ new program, we created a rallying cry for all women battling that showed them as the true fighters they are, and the beauty they embody.

When they’re battling changing skin and hair loss everyday, makeup can be a powerful tool in their battle. So we created a program that helps them actually feel better, simply by looking better.

Walgreens’ team of pharmacists and technicians become her army. Makeup becomes her war paint. Giving her the confidence to Battle Beautifully.


In conjunction with the development of Walgreens’ specialized training, we met with cancer patients from across the US to better understand how to position this unique service and showcase patients in a way that they wanted to be seen. Our target for this program and campaign was wider than our typical customer because cancer can impact anyone - and we wanted a campaign and a service that felt inclusive and welcoming to patients of any age.

Through individual interviews, a quant phone study, qualitative focus groups and creative asset testing through Kantar Millward Brown, we determined that when you’re affected by cancer (as a patient or loved one), the uncertainty of knowing who can help or where to go is overwhelming and frightening. This led to our key insight that for cancer patients, feeling better is more than medicine, and looking good is more than makeup.


Our campaign looked to speak to real patients about the strength and courage it takes to battle cancer and the unique service Walgreens offers to help them do it while still looking and feeling like themselves. We knew that to most authentically speak to them, we needed to not only show, but hero them in our campaign. By only casting women who were either in active treatment, or just recently went through it, we showed the world what cancer truly looks like. And in doing so, we brought encouragement and advice to women and their caregivers currently battling.

These women were featured throughout our month-long national campaign in our TV, print, OOH, digital executions, owned channels, social stories, and PR. We told their real stories and, in turn, heard from thousands more women who shared their own stories with us.


The campaign reached 96% of women aged 25-54 in the US, and in only six weeks since the campaign launched, Walgreens helped over 7,000 patients with their cancer treatment side effects, making this the most successful launch of a new service offering in Walgreens’ history.

The campaign was noticed by influencers like Leslie Jones from Saturday Night Live and the stories of our real patients had over 14 million social impressions. All this helped start a dialogue online amongst cancer survivors and current patients, many of them engaging with one another and discussing the benefits of having a service like Feel More Like You that focuses not only on the internal, but the external ways to manage cancer treatment side effects.

PR outreach resulted in over 461 million media impressions with featured profiles in Forbes and USA Today that again focused on real patient stories.

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