Cannes Lions

BBC Earth More Than TV

VIZEUM, Singapore / BBC / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image






Many consumers no longer actively seek out content to tune into, instead they engage with content they discover through their social media feed and WOM......

BBC Earth had to be more than a TV channel for us to win over this audience, we had to cut through the content clutter. We looked deeper at how and why people connect with content. How and why content satisfies an emotional craving.

We proposed that BBC Earth is more than a TV Channel. It is in fact thousands of mini moments of emotions that can be discovered by our audience at any point in time

We further proposed that the BBC should reject the traditional approach of creating one high impact trailer to promote the new channel in favour of delivering over 162 video mini moments of emotion.


ECCE delivered 162 pieces of BBC Earth content specifically targeting key states of emotion using digital behavioural data.

For example, as people were commuting, we shared wildlife content to satisfy their emotional state of escapism; or as they delved to intellectual topics online, we shared science and knowledge content, to provoke thought; or as they moved across their personal social media universe, we shared content from some of the big personalities of BBC Earth to feel a sense of belonging.

ECCE allowed us to dynamically connect with our audience across any given day in a 162 different ways.


The BBC and us took a gamble and it paid off. The result was exactly what we wanted and more than we hoped for.

• BBC Earth topped the charts as the #1 Factual channel within 3 months.

• 5.8 million moments were viewed on a very small media budget.

• The completed views and engagement rates were 3 times FB and Google best practice benchmarks.

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