Cannes Lions


RED BEE MEDIA, London / BBC / 2009

Presentation Image






The creative strategic solution was to bring to life how impactful powerful questions can be. This idea was carried throughout all our work yet adapted dependent on the media we chose. For the TV, using real footage, we vividly demonstrated how, when a BBC journalist asks a ‘Killer Question’ that gets to the heart of an issue, it can knock even the most eloquent speaker off their stride. Both the press and ambient used the symbol of asking questions – the microphone. In each instance, the microphone is overcome being suppressed and ‘break-through’ (quite literally in the case of the ambient). All the work was tied to together with the same endline – ‘Never Stop Asking’. It’s a ‘call to arms’ which, like the proposition, was applicable to both the audience and BBC World News.


58% of respondents claimed that they would watch BBC WorldNews as result of seeing ads. Print ad, 64% agreed that BBC World News is a courageous channel. Compared with 36% of non-viewers agreeing with this statement. Stunt in Berlin station had success rate of 31% of people downloading ads. Mentioned in countless blogs/publications. Online campaign delivered nearly 3 million impressions with synced ads, overlays. MPU’s all containing video. The CTR for the FT overlay received an excellent response rate of 1.18%. Washingtom post highest average CTR of 18%. The high CTR‘s shows that this audience were engaged in the ads.

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