Cannes Lions


PETO PR, Oslo / IKEA / 2009

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IKEA aimed to create “word of mouth” hype around the bedroom amongst their customers. The goals were to strengthen IKEA’s “friendly rebel” brand value by using humour to put sleep on the agenda, in order to increase sales in the bedroom department.The solution was a PR concept called the “B day”, which was based on research showing actual genetic differences between the so called A-persons (morning birds) and B-persons (late sleepers).

To create a buzz around the “B day” the PR activities took place in a broad range of channels: Print, online, TV, radio, social media, guerrilla stunts and IKEA-stores. “Individual sleeping habits” and the “importance of a good night’s sleep” were the key messages. IKEA’s role was as a “Bedroom Expert” and main sponsor of the “B Society”. The advertising emphasized the importance of choosing your IKEA mattress based on individual needs. The results show an increase in sales of bedroom products by 8.1%.

1 in 3 Norwegians knows about the “B Society”, and 1 in 5 knows that the “B Day” was a partnership with IKEA. The total media coverage reached more than 120 stories and 50 different blogs.


PR activities started two weeks in advance. A “B blog” and Facebook group was launched to recruit members to the “B Society”. The news of the “B society’s establishment in Norway was covered in all media.To maximize hype for “B day”, the PR activities occurred on a broad range of channels: Print, online, TV, radio, social media, guerrilla stunts and IKEA stores.

To kick off “B day”, a branded “B Bus” was launched. The bus picked up “B-commuters” at their homes allowing them to sleep all the way to work. Five TV teams, several radio stations and newspapers were on the bus.The “B Society” “attacked” morning radio shows, with “complaints” about broadcasting so early. This led to a number of humorous stories and established “B day” as big news in the media the rest of the day.In addition, members were recruited to the “B Society” at IKEA, with customers encouraged to nap in the bedroom departments during the day. IKEA also organised a course for “A and B couples” trapped in relationships.


The results show an 8.1% sales increase of bedroom products at the same time as the financial crisis in Norway. A survey shows that 1 in 3 Norwegians know about the “B Society”, and 1 in 5 knows that the “B Day” was a partnership with IKEA. 30% said that the campaign had made them more aware of the importance of a good night’s sleep. The number of unique visitors on reached more than 11,000. This was solely PR-driven. The total media coverage reached more than 120 stories and 50 different blogs. There is little doubt that IKEA has had a tremendous return on its investment of EUR 65,000.

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