Cannes Lions


ISD GROUP, Kiev / BAYER / 2010

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Berocca vitamins in Ukraine are positioned as a premium product and they are targeted at males at the age between 25 - 45. This is the part of Ukrainian Internet audience that ignores traditional advertising and nearly never clicks on any banners. In order to attract their attention, we created a website of an outstanding, but arrogant, character. Viktor Gord has a successful business, a wife and a child. He’s only 15 years old but he has already decided to hold business-trainings for grown ups. Primarily these trainings were the subject of our ads. It was when curiosity and envy, admiration and skepticism lead dozens of thousands of users to the website, that we put forward Berocca as the explanation to Viktor Gord’s unique business mind. Viktor Gord became a cult persona and an Internet-meme. Even though he provoked controversial feelings among the users, he became known, as well as Berocca, to the majority of Ukrainian Internet users.


9/03/2009. Gord’s website is launched. It contains his biography, information on trainings, secrets of success and a blog.

16/03/2009. Video-banners that advertised Gord’s trainings were launched. Videos with his life principles are published.03/2009. Popular Ukrainian bloggers mention Viktor Gord. The largest discussion was about the possibility of the existance of such a character. But we were prepared and could prove, that by Ukrainian law, it's possible to have a wife, a son and a company at 15. 6/04/2009. Gord announces he wants to profit on the high website attendance and is looking for a sponsor. We send commercial offers to international companies.

13/04/2009. Gord signed a contract with Bayer. The website is branded under Berocca.20/04/2009. Viktor Gord’s secretary is available through a video-chat to answer questions about him and about Berocca. An Internet gift shop is opened - everything is VERY expensive.


More than 111 000 users visited the website and browsed through over 350 000 pages in a period of two months. In average each user spent about 5 minutes on the website and left over a 1 000 comments.More than 49 000 users watched Gord’s videos.Over 7 000 users entered into the chat and communicated with Viktor Gord’s secretary.

637 people signed up for Gord’s fictional trainings.Google search shows that Viktor Gord’s name is mentioned around 6 000 times.

The most famous Ukrainian news magazine and leading Ukrainian on-line magazines wrote about Viktor Gord and his advertising campaign. Despite the global economic crisis that was at full speed during the promo campaign, Berocca's sales indicators grew.The campaign results proved to Bayer AG that the Ukrainian Internet is ready for promo activities. Today, Bayer Ukraine uses the Viktor Gord Berocca experience to build its long-term online strategies.

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