Spikes Asia

BESPOKE Wedding Funding


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Case Film






Korea has traditional congratulatory money culture, where people place cash in an envelope when celebrating a wedding.

This culture has caused inconvenience for young couples and for guests who are required to express their congratulations in cash.

Samsung Electronics, the brand that sells major home appliances, managed a campaign 'BESPOKE Wedding Funding' a platform that addresses cultural issues and boosts sales of its flagship products, specifically major home appliances.


This is a breakthrough system in the wedding industry. The bride and groom create a mobile invitation with their wish list of Samsung Electronics’ major home appliances and share it with their friends via mobile. The friends can access the system to contribute funds.

The price is depends on how much they want to contribute.

As a result, this platform was evaluated as an innovative system that practically reformed the uncomfortable congratulatory money culture and lots of newlyweds were celebrated via the Bespoke Wedding FUNding mobile invitation through word of mouth.


The main target of Samsung Electronics’ BESPOKE was newlyweds who start their new life by buying new major appliances as a set.

Samsung Electronics realized that two different things happen simultaneously for its main targets – one is deciding which brand of major appliances to buy, and the other is going through a stressful time with congratulatory money and invitations.

So, Samsung Electronics tailored a platform that combines three functions: inviting friends to the wedding, creating wish lists of Samsung Electronics' major appliances they need, and providing a funding system where guests can easily contribute.

This unique mobile invitation could boost sales of Samsung Electronics right away by efficiently modifying newlyweds’ invitation without a large-scale marketing consumption.


The process of BESPOKE Wedding FUNding follows as below:

- Samsung Electronics provided a microsite where newlyweds can design their mobile invitation with beautifully designed by popular illustrators.

- On the website, newlyweds list their wish lists of Samsung Electronics’ major appliances they need.

- After designing, share it with friends via a mobile messenger.

- Friends who receive the mobile invitations can contribute funding to the appliances listed by the bride and groom along with their congratulatory message.

- After the invite, the newlyweds can purchase Samsung Electronics’ appliances at a reasonable price with the funding received from friends.


The BESPOKE Wedding FUNding was held briefly from September 2023 to November.

A groundbreaking trial was covered by numerous PR/media outlets, gained attention among actual consumers in online communities and online communities, and the YouTube video surpassed 11 million views.

Through various channel marketing such as OOH in wedding shop areas, wedding-related communities, online banners, digital videos and social media etc. it reached a total exposure of 140,233,513 consumers. A total of 524,094 bride and grooms visited the campaign platform, and 56,873 young soon-to-be newlyweds received congratulations on their marriage through the BESPOKE Wedding FUNding mobile invitations.

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