Cannes Lions

Best Man

FOE, Dublin / AWARE / 2018

MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language






Our execution starts in a ballroom, with our narrator meeting the scene, describing the festivities of the evening. As we progress through the piece, we hear a man start a best man's speech at his friend's wedding.

As he begins, he notices the groom has vanished, but continues on regardless. He goes through their friendship since they were children, peppering his routine with jokes about the groom. All the while, the narrator helps guide the scene, adding notes to what is happening in the room.

When the best man begins to talk about how he and the groom didn't get to hang out as much anymore, his voice turns thoughtful and sombre. The speech concludes with him asking the groom why he had to go, why he didn't talk about his feelings. Our ending urges people to open to their loved ones to talk incase they have mental health struggles.

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