Spikes Asia

Better With Age Campaign


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Wild Secrets is an adult retailer with a mission: to normalise pleasure for everyone. We identified that both brands and culture treated sex in later life with an ageist lens, and we were determined to break the stigma.

Our objective was to reach the over 65s to start a conversation about sex, and introduce them to sex toys, on their terms. We would measure this through engagement from the over 65 age group: online visits, sales and revenue.

We conducted a survey of over 500 Australians aged 65+ to better understand their attitudes towards age and pleasure. We found that 1 in 3 over 65s are comfortable using sex toys, and that 78% think that the biggest myth around sex and age is that desire retires in later life. Armed with these insights, we set off to break some taboos.


The Better With Age campaign tapped into the card that’s in the back pocket of every Australian senior, making Wild Secrets the first adult retailer to offer a senior citizens card discount.

Not only was the card a powerful vehicle for direct reach (3.2m+ card holders nationwide), but it represented every assumption society makes around the older demographic, typically associated with bus travel and dentures. The campaign flipped ageist assumptions and encouraged older Australians to embrace their pleasure.

Now we needed to reach into the world of over 65s, to directly target them with our campaign.


Our strategy targeted contexts almost exclusive to seniors, to create a conversation directly tailored to them, in their own spaces.

IPA data (April 2022) showed that paper-based channels continue to be the most effective way to reach over 75s: 65% over 75s had taken the time to read a door drop in the past 3 months. With less competition on the doormat these days, this was the perfect space to cut through - whilst gently introducing the topic in the privacy of the home.

To exclusively reach over 65s, we delivered catalogues to 50+ lifestyle villages across all eight states and territories of Australia.

DM was supported with mobile DOOH, which was located outside community venues such as golf clubs, veterans clubs and social clubs; and BVOD to reach the mass 65+ audience.

The call to action: use your senior citizens card for 20% off adult toys.


To spread a modern message of sexual empowerment, we created a traditional 16-page mail-order catalogue.

Working with a sexologist, we tailored each page to address the needs of our audience, featuring accessible toy recommendations and educational content about sex over 65.

The design combined techniques from the 70s with a modern layout, emanating a renaissance of the sexual revolution and featured accessible colours, typefaces and point sizes. The CTA: Access 20% off with your senior citizens card.

Our mobile billboard and targeted BVOD 30” promoted the senior’s discount alongside older talent, using representation to break stigma.

The campaign went live over 4 weeks (16/10/22 - 20/11/22). Activity was phased to raise awareness through targeted bursts of OOH activity in seniors contexts (2 days); and catalogue mailing to drive deeper engagement and product consideration (1 week). BVOD drove online conversion, with the landing page live over throughout.


The ‘Better With Age’ campaign generated:

10% lift in new website visits from customers aged 65+

19% lift in transactions from customers aged 65+

32% lift in revenue from customers aged 65+

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