Cannes Lions

Birds Will be Back

HAVAS TURKEY, Istanbul / RECKITT / 2020


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
MP3 Original Language
Case Film
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The purpose of the project was creating the ambient sound of the Kuyucuk in the past, like 233 bird species never left. First, we mined the sounds of 233 different bird species. Different birds chirp at different times of the day. We allocated the sounds to relevant time slots in consideration of all information we got from villagers, scientists and nature associations. With the guidance of nature experts, a 24 hour audio track of bird sounds was prepared which would meme a day of Kuyucuk before the lake dried up. To announce that the lake is returning, days prior to the drilling of an artesian well, the track was aired through the two mosques of the village. Thereby, the good news turned into an experience for the villagers. Village with 284 habitants experienced a full day like birds never left, thanks to the unexpected use of audio and medium.

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