Cannes Lions

Black Future Social Club

DUDE, Milan / NETFLIX / 2018


2 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film
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To launch the 4th season of Black Mirror, we conducted an unprecedented social experiment: we imagined what an extra episode of the series would look like and we turned it into a real life experience.

At the heart of this experience there was a very insightful assumption: we already live inside a Black Mirror episode.

For 2 days, we opened a unique club in which the guests’ influence on social networks decided if they could get in or not. At the Black Future Social Club, clients were not selected on the basis of a dress code and they were not asked to pay with money. The entrance was restricted to Instagram users with more than 1,000 followers and they payed the bill with the likes obtained by their food pictures. If the likes weren’t enough, they were gently asked to leave the Club.


We launched our temporary Club in Milan through a dedicated campaign on social networks. All contents led the user to a website in which anybody could earn followers to reach the necessary amount to enter the Club.

At the entrance, people were divided in two categories: the influencers and the others. To be recognized as influencer, guests had to show their IG profile. Depending on the followers amount, they were provided with a bracelet which determined the food that they could afford.

Depending on the likes obtained by their food picture shared on IG, they could have the chance to get a second drink. If they didn’t reach our standard, they were asked to leave.

While the influential people were inside, we also provided a dedicated area where people could earn new followers through disturbing tasks, such us entering in a glass case and exposing themselves to the public's judgment.


2300 people attended the event at the Club, sharing social contents with their followers for a total audience of more than 15M users.

Since the experience was built around the use of Instagram, the campaign generated an incredible number of interactions, such as pictures and live stories, making the event trending topic on IG for two days in a row.

The nature of the initiative ended being a key factor in packing the Club with all sort of influencers, which spontaneously published IG contents.

The event was also massively covered by the press, both online and offline, generating almost 30M impressions in earned media and starting a conversation with our fans that escalated on Facebook the following days. The topic? The state of health of our society.

During the 2 days of the event, we gave away almost 2M followers through “200 followers gift-cards” redeemable through disturbing tasks.

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