Cannes Lions


BBDO MINNEAPOLIS, Minneapolis / HORMEL / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






In the United States there are no current regulations in place for branded entertainment. The landscape is shifting with content being consumed at an increasing pace over digital mediums. Brands like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and other channels are increasing the appetite for video content, both branded and non.


Black Label Bacon is serious about bacon and committed to celebrating the exceptional. The Blacklist is no exception. The high quality embossed production of the piece, as well as the premium black on black printing all build to reinforce our reverence for the exceptional. Black is in our brand name, and so we own that color. Therefore, The Blacklist is the perfect name for our membership program. We tie in the bacon product by using strips of bacon to cover the eyes of every face, keeping our members anonymous and our membership secretive, exclusive and intriguing.


As a brand that gets outspent 20-to-1 in the category, Black Label Bacon was able to own the month of October coming off the heels of the film festival. If you were on the internet and had a remote care in the world for bacon you knew about the festival. In total, over 130 films were submitted from 7 different countries. The selections were viewed over 700,00 times and the brand received over 100 million total brand impressions. During the month of the festival we reached 9,586,441 fans on our Facebook page alone. Wild postings placed in various high-traffic locations around New York City drew attention from influencers including comedian Josh Sankey, the Oscar Mayer Bacon spokesperson, asking if he too could attend the film festival. The International Bacon Film Festival was published in the New York Times, Huffington Post,, abc news and many more outlets — all of this exposure contributed to real sales results. Hormel Black Label Bacon was able to take the largest pricing increase in brand history without losing volume, contributing to record segment profit for the brand.

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