Cannes Lions


ISOBAR, Gurgaon / PHILIPS / 2015

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






The Indian entertainment and media industry today has everything going for it - be it regulations that allow foreign investment, the impetus from the economy, the digital lifestyle and spending habits of the consumers or the opportunities thrown open by the advancements in technology. It is essential to cash in on the growth potential and the opportunities. The government, on its part, needs to play a more active role in sorting out policy-related impediments to growth. While there are various guidelines and regulations on content (MIB: under Programme and Advertising Codes prescribed under the Cable Television Network Rules, 1994 (Rule 6 and Rule 7)) but there are grey areas that need light like content regulations be consistent across all delivery mediums such as films, television, radio and print or different sets of regulation should be evolved for each medium and working mechanisms of a content regulation in terms of enforcement, penalties for default from prescribed guidelines, etc. The industry needs to fight all roadblocks- such as piracy- in a concerted manner, while churning out high-quality, world class end products. The entertainment and media industry has all that it takes to be a star performer of the Indian economy.


It was a three phased campaign – teaser, confession and final phase. Teaser videos were used to build intrigue around Bladey; followed by his confession video. All branded content was uploaded on the official website and YouTube channel. It was promoted on Facebook and Twitter to drive traffic to the website.

We gave our audience platforms where they could share their confessions/forgiveness– YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. #BladeyConfessions and #IforgiveTheBlade provided users avenues to participate. Faking News articles, and experiential activity “#RIP—Razor in Peace” in three major cities, created more touch points to rope in the TG


Brand interaction count was 2.5 million resulting in an increase in fan engagement by 500%. Men from throughout the country became a part of the mass movement against razor blades. Our strategy helped us in achieving earned media worth INR 2.43 million. Videos were viewed 1 million times with 79% unique views. Native content on Faking News were viewed over a million times. Bladey Confessions garnered 55 million Facebook impressions.

#IforgiveTheBlade trended on twitter. Over 600 forgiveness videos recorded. A 150% quarter-to-quarter growth in sales was achieved.

Due to a brilliant response, Bladey Confessions has been extended to three countries.

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