Cannes Lions

Blood Aid



3 Bronze Cannes Lions
4 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film






Situation: DASA performs 10 thousand blood exams per week.

Brief: How can we get patients who are getting a blood exam to engage with other health programs and exams that DASA provides?

Objective: To get patients who come for blood work to sign up to become blood donors and also to look for other health programs from DASA.


We developed a new kind of band-aid, which has a thin layer that in seconds when in touch with blood can detect what type of blood that is. Making the information of blood type readily available to everyone who comes for blood exams.


Data gathering: The blood type reveal became an opportunity for DASA health workers to provide patients with DASA developed literature concerning potential health areas they should pay attention to based on their blood type. It gave DASA a reason to present patients with other services they can provide as well as creating a link between patients and Blood Banks who are in constant need of donors.

Data interpretation: Each blood type offers has unique characteristics. Being aware of it allows for several health decisions and can lead to important interaction between the DASA health worker and the patient. It is also vary valuable for Blood banks to be able to reach a potential donor when their blood type is in short suply.

Targeting: The consent to be included into Blood bank's database allows a much easier process to get to donors when their specific blood type is in need.


data journey/implementation/data integration/application: the patient comes for a blood exam, after the blood exam, the band-aid used reveals the patient's blood type. The DASA health worker assists the patient to input that information on the health app on their phone. The DASA health worker offers the patient DASA developed literature specific to the patient's blood type, concerning areas of attention. DASA health worker offers patient the opportunity to be part of the Blood Bank database to be contacted when their blood type is in need.

30 thousand patients have been impacted by Blood Aid.

14 thousand patients became part of the Blood Bank database.

9 thousand have booked other health exams based on the literature given to them, based on their blood type.


30 thousand patients have been impacted by Blood Aid.

14 thousand patients became part of the Blood Bank database.

9 thousand have booked other health exams based on the literature given to them, based on their blood type.