Cannes Lions

BOOK by Cadillac

CADILLAC, New York / CADILLAC / 2017

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Introducing BOOK by Cadillac, a first-of-its-kind luxury vehicle subscription service that eliminates all the pain of luxury car ownership and makes it simpler to just enjoy the drive. Subscribers have on-demand, members-only access to a premium collection of Cadillac vehicles all from an intuitive mobile app, and receive white-glove concierge pickup and delivery to their desired locations. In addition, insurance, taxes, registration, maintenance, unlimited mileage, detailing and Wi-Fi are all included in one simple monthly payment with no long-term commitment. In short, it’s a revolutionary approach to car ownership.

Admittedly, changing the business model of a century-old industry away from exclusively selling cars is a daring move. But as a brand with a history of continually pushing for innovation, this unique luxury subscription service is just one of the many ways that Cadillac continues to drive the world forward.


Breaking from category norms, we applied human-centered design thinking to the development of our service. We enlisted a select group of NYC influencers and innovators to co-create the service and define its positioning. Over 3 months, these co-creators ideated on the key perks, the customer journey, and the onboarding experience, identifying exactly the benefits and the price point that would be most compelling to them.

The service was then teased with a splash site and at an exclusive Bloomberg event at Cadillac House in December 2016. During the Detroit Auto Show in 2017, we announced the service to the world in tandem with a revamped website. The launch was the culmination of months of subtle media pre-seeding and controlled early media access, maximizing organic attention for the announcement and continuing that momentum into NAIAS. With that momentum, we began accepting applications for a limited New York City pilot program.


We announced Book by Cadillac to the world in January 2017, and the results have far exceeded our expectations. With zero media spend and an emphasis on earned media coverage, the launch generated over 89 million impressions, with more than 200 articles and 149 broadcast stories in major media publications like the Wall Street Journal, Conde Nast Traveler, CNN and CBS News. Most importantly, we received 7,000+ total membership applications and over 1,700 applicants within the NYC metro service radius. Within that applicant pool, an astounding 96% are new to the Cadillac brand. This was an impressive response rate for the program, delivering 6800 more applications than originally projected. While it is still early in the program’s life, we have already started exploring program expansions.

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