Cannes Lions

Bread The Future


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Bread the Future.

To start a new conversation on bread, we revealed the sandwiches of the future with a new topping – bugs. By imagining – and serving – the sandwiches of the future, we could point to bread’s hidden climate benefits in a fun and talk worthy way, changing both the topic and perception of bread. We knew that the idea required to dare a little, not only when it came to toppings, but also with how we presented the future. We introduced Berit, a robotic school chef, and used celebrity bakers to make sure our sandwiches were as tasty as humanly possible.


A teaser Facebook film where we introduced Berit, the school chef from the future.

Berit started her own Snapchat-channel (our other social media channel), which instantly got popular.

Partnership with a famous Swedish baker and chef.

Together with the baker, we prepared and served bug sandwiches in Sweden’s largest news show, where we also got a lot of time to discuss bread’s climate benefits.

Campaign site with their recipes on sandwiches of the future and information on bread and the environment.

School tour where students (with parental permission) got to try delicious sandwiches containing for example grasshoppers and beetle worms.

We then added a campaign film, outdoor ads, magazine ads, in store marketing, building on our PR concept, all produced by the PR-agency. We even got a minister of the Government to swap his lunch for a bug sandwich.


Hundreds of kids tried bug sandwiches on our school tour. We got 1,5 million views on our 2 Facebook films on the school tour, with thousands of interactions.

In depth editorial coverage in national TV, newspapers and radio. An earned media reach of 28 million, 3 times Sweden’s population and 97 000 interactions in social media.

A third of all Swedes observed the nation-wide campaign.

Amongst these, we saw a 50% increase of people that connected bread with climate benefits,

116 percent more believed bread to be healthy.

we increased the general positive attitude towards bread with 8 percentage points, from 76-84%.

Five percent of the adult population increased their bread consumption from one slice of bread a day before our campaign to two slices or more – equalling an increase of at least 180 000 slices of bread per day.

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