Spikes Asia




3 Grand Prix Spikes Asia
6 Gold Spikes Asia
1 Bronze Spikes Asia
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Demo Film
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Demo Film
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Demo Film
Short Version
Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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Beer consumption is in steep decline globally, nowhere more so than in New Zealand where it is at its lowest since World War 2. We were briefed to create a TV ad to try and address this decline but we soon realised that Kiwi blokes didn’t need another cliché beer ad. What they needed was a brilliant reason to re-embrace (and drink more) beer. So that’s what we gave them.

We set about creating a way that men could save the planet by doing what they love, an idea that would help men justify drinking more beer by turning drinking into a selfless act of sustainability. DB Export Brewtroleum. In doing so, we created an entire new layer of permissibility around DB’s products.


Our campaign idea was to turn drinking beer into a selfless act of environmental heroism. So we took the surplus yeast leftover after we finished brewing DB Export, and used it to create a biofuel called DB Export Brewtroleum.

To help bring this to life, we created an ambient advertising experience in the most logical of places – the largest Gull petrol station (with the highest traffic) in New Zealand.

Every part of the station was rebranded to tell the DB Export Brewtroleum story, refills to the station were even conducted by a Brewtroleum branded petrol tanker.

From the moment the consumer entered to when they drove off, the petrol station itself was telling them the story of Brewtroleum and giving them a clear call to action – drink DB export, save the entire world.


To launch the idea we completely rebranded an existing petrol station in downtown Auckland. From the street sign right through to the pumps, no detail was overlooked. The station was opened by the Government’s environmental minister and resulted in kilometre long traffic jams across the city.

Supported by an integrated campaign to drive awareness, Brewtroleum was rolled out to 62 Gull petrol stations across New Zealand for 6 weeks, allowing nearly all New Zealanders the opportunity to fill their cars with Brewtroleum. Every day for six weeks, a fully branded super tanker travelled the country delivering Brewtroleum to 62 stations, where it sold for $2.05 a litre.

We inserted in-pack vouchers for $5 off Brewtroleum fill ups and when they toped their car up, they received a discount voucher for DB Export Beer. This created a virtuous circle between pump and product, ensuring our supply of Brewtroleum never ran dry.

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Shortlisted Spikes Asia




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