Cannes Lions

Bringing the North Pole Star to México


Case Film
Supporting Images






Every year people all around the world put in a huge amount of energy to keep the magic of Christmas alive. Making Christmas special meant celebrating those who worked so hard to make it happen. It was time to thank them for their selfless dedication to others.

We had to identify those moments for Coca Cola to make them special so we leveraged on Christmas Caravans which is the most iconic outdoor experience owned by Coca Cola. These parades have become part of Mexico’s traditional Christmas celebrations, bringing families together.

Partnering with Intel and using the latest technology, we launched one hundred drones packed with high-spec lighting, by coordinating all the drones in unison, we would draw stunning and complex images in the sky above Monterrey to give our unknown heroes something they´d never forget.


December 18th, 21:00 hours, cold night in Monterrey.

With 100.000 people on the ground enjoying the Coca Cola Caravan, we kicked off the show by dimming the lights throughout the Caravan and focusing a spotlight on Santa who explained to everyone in attendance that he needed everyone’s help delivering the last of his presents to Mexico’s families.

He would bring the lights of the North Pole Star (through our drones) but needed the audience’s support, making them part of the spectacle.

The drones then began to spiral to shape the North Pole Star while people stared at the sky in utter disbelief. "Taste the feeling", Coca Cola’s official song, started to play as the drones drew shapes in the sky above. The grand finale saw us create the iconic bottle of Coca Cola


Brand love grew among our target with an impressive +13 points increase in Monterrey (47% to 60%). Moms, which is a key target for Coca Cola to build household consumption, grew by a massive 25 points in Monterrey (58% to 83%) and 8 points (51 % to 59%) on national levels. }

In just eight days , from December 15th to December 23rd ,our total reach on Facebook was 47.5 million, getting the highest number of likes and shares in Mexico, over indexing the second most popular video by a 335% in likes (165,000 vs 49,000), and 330 % in shares (30,000 vs 9,000).

YouTube also ensured we shared the magic with a vast audience, receiving over 8 million views on Coca Cola’s official channel and another 2 million on on Intel’s. Twitter also helped us generate another 3 million impressions

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