Cannes Lions


PRIME PR, Stockholm / TELIA / 2011

Presentation Image






People have always felt a need to make digital more human. In the movie history we’ve met robots and computers with personalities and feelings. And in our everyday life, we have started to name our personal wireless network, wifi. Following the spread of wireless networks, the naming creativity has grown. As the broadband market leader in Sweden, Telia used this insight to talk broadband security and strengthen the relation to customers and employees. The campaign was called -”My Dear Wifi”.

Through collaboration with experts within language and psychology Telia investigated how Swedes think when naming their wifi. Local and lifestyle differences also had great news value. Employees could guess what their boss had named his or her wifi, and through a competition we wanted to find the best wifi name in the kingdom. The winner was: “If_you_can_read_this_youre_too_close” (an example of one of the wifi naming trends: “the digital angry note”).Media coverage and social media spread lead to a reach of 3.6 million – over a third of Swedish population. Thanks to high employee involvement, the campaign is now a subject for export to other TeliaSonera markets.


The campaign was activated in several ways in different phases• Pre-launch on the Telia intranet for 10,000 employees, with an employee contest.• Launch on YouTube with clips of our language expert • Press releases in newsrooms, daily press and tech media• The experts, Ola Karlsson and Hoa Ly as our spokespersons in media• Customer updates through Telia’s Facebook page and Twitter• Celebrities and lifestyle bloggers sharing their wifi names on campaign site• A test, “What broadband type are you?” analyzing visitors through five types of WiFi characteristics. Results were shared through a Facebook-application.

• Co-ops with lifestyle bloggers • Collaboration with district media in Stockholm• The competition–main activity of the campaign. All entries were posted on the site with a Like function as a rating tool for the names. The top ten contestants with most likes were evaluated by a jury: TeliaSonera broadband executive Stefan Trampus, language advisor Ola Karlsson, tech blogger Johanna Ögren and musician Salem Al Fakir• Weekly motivations from our language expert for “this week’s chart-topper”• Follow-up within TeliaSonera, of participation and engagement amongst employees


The reach for the campaign was 3,600,000 – over a third of the Swedish population. For example, the campaign was mentioned twice in the Swedish edition of Metro and other nationwide press as Aftonbladet, Expressen and Dagens Industri. The site was visited from 40 countries on six different continents. Thanks to high employee involvement, the campaign is now a subject for export to other TeliaSonera markets.

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