Cannes Lions

Bud & Burgers

NVE Experience Agency, Beverly Hills / BUDWEISER BUDVAR / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Legendary Dodgers announcer, Vin Scully, advertised the Dodger Dog for more than 40 years. With a history that stretches back to the 1960’s, the Dodger Dog taps “into something that goes beyond taste. [It’s] an experience."

We reached the perfect “aha” moment with this simple yet strategic insight, that stadium cuisine is a staple of the ballgame experience – and more importantly, the Dodger Dog is an iconic staple of Dodgers heritage and culture.

We ventured into an approach that neither brand had taken before by collaborating with Dodgers executive chef to reinvent this iconic menu item as “The Dodger Burger” – a custom burger topped with a Dodgers Dog and a mouthwatering blend of toppings.

The burger became the anchor that the Bud & Burgers program needed to develop a fully integrated plan, which went on to earn countless impressions and garner exponential attention for both brands.


From opening remarks, to sharing Budweiser’s longstanding tradition of Bud & Burgers and the brand’s connection to LA fandom, attendees got a first taste of Bud’s newest collaboration bringing together two of LA’s most delicious traditions. The Opening Day experience was carried on for National Hamburger Day and lives on in perpetuity for the Dodgers and Budweiser.

An additional concessionaire was installed at Dodgers Stadium at the start of 2018 to accommodate the demand that the initial program generated. The campaign has become a staple of each brand’s legacy and is inspiring other MLB teams to invent a regional, stadium-specific burger for fans.

The simple yet innovative core creative idea scaled a season-long campaign and became a hit feature of the Dodgers World Series games for the 80-night streak.


The massive success shattered expectations and became the hit of the 7th inning stretch, with impact that reached beyond stadium walls to deliver a win for Dodgers fans and Budweiser alike. The activation was executed at every home game for the entirety of the season and continues to live on in perpetuity.

- A Dodger Burger sold every 60 seconds Opening Day

- 63.7 million impressions generated on social

- 1.2 million Tastemade Dodger Burger impressions across digital

- 43 press hits from top-tier publications including The Los AngelesTimes and ESPN

- 12.2 million+ impressions on Emily Ratajkowski’s channels

- 100% positive consumer sentiment on Opening Day

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