
BURGER KING FRANCE - Democratic Burger


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Case Film






Now Burger King is well established in France (back in the country in 2013 after 15 years of absence), the brand is trying to build a strong database of clients in order to create a relationship with them, have a deeper knowledge of their habits and then act with more efficiency.

The main tool is this strategy is Burger King new mobile app, which is today poorly known and used because there is simply no further interest, feature or advantage from our brand website.

Our mission was then simple and ambitious: how can we promote our mobile app and make it one of the top downloaded app in the country?


To promote our mobile app, we decided to make it useful for people and created the Democratic Burger operation.

Democratic Burger is a simple promotion (a burger at 2€) but as its name says, it will definitely be a special one. For the 1st time, people will indeed be the only ones to decide, together and for entire country, which one of our burgers they'd like to have promoted for a week.

How? By turning their smartphones into polling stations.

During 5 weeks, people could then use our app and had a daily chance to influe these national and weekly votes.

Thanks to this app, they were also able to follow the trends, discover the annoucement of the elected burger (each Friday) and, of course, the app was the only way to enjoy this incredible offer in restaurant and get your Democratic Burger at 2€.


During 5 weeks, we set off on campaign to seduce:

- our current clients, more attentive to our actualities and likely to download our app

- new potentiel clients, attracted by this promotion (a burger for 2€) and seduced by this engaging operation

We built an integrated media plan mixing:

- mass media tools: TV+VOD spots (changing every week to announce the democratic burger elected and now available in restaurants) and local OOH

- and tactical tools: social media ads and mobile pushs to engage our community during the whole campaign, instore communication (rebranded as real polling stations) to involve our clients and employees, guerilla marketing (mocking political posters) to surprise and amuse people and mobile ads to download the app.

All these tools had the same simple and direct message: download our app to vote for the next burger at 2€ and enjoy the democratic burger of the week.


The heart of our campaign was our mobile app turned as real polling station so people can vote for the burger you want at 2€ the next week, follow the trends, discover the burger elected and obviously enjoy it in restaurant.

Regarding the campaign, everything started on Social Media, a week before the official launch in restaurant, where we asked our community to vote for the 1st democratic burger.

Their decision was then used to officially launched this operation in our 350 restaurants.

We used:

- mass medias (TV, OOH and guerrilla marketing in the 10 biggest cities) during 3 weeks to introduce everyone the concept and announce each week the elected democratic burger.

- tactical medias (social and mobile ads, dedicated social media roadmap and mobile pushs, and our restaurants) throughout the 5 weeks campaign to push our app downloads and maintain our audience interest until the end.


Guess who's the biggest winner of this social advancement? Yes, that's us.

Thanks to this operation, we indeed succeded in:

- increasing Burger King mobile app by 129% (in comparison with an usual month) and even making it the most downloaded app in France during the operation

- engaging our clients like never with about 100K interactions on social media and more than 500K votes on the app during the campaign

- increasing trafic in our restaurants by 17.5% during the campaign (in comparison of the month before the operation)

Proving that even for a King, democracy always needs to be trusted.

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