Cannes Lions

Buy One, Get What's Yours Back

ARTPLAN, Sao Paulo / ETNA / 2019

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Etna has too many sales throughout the year, keeping up with the retail calendar. By hiring a research team, we found out that most people simply refuse to buy products from Etna if the brand’s is not on sale – since they have big sales so often. We had to launch a mid-season campaign on which there would be no special offers or prices, with the objective of an increase in sales during one of the slowest selling times of the year.


The insight behind this campaign is based on a universal behavior: people are messy when at home. At least most of them are, in some level. And when you’re messy, you end up giving different uses for your furniture. A chair becomes a wardrobe. A desk full of books turns into an ugly bookshelf. A juice jar becomes an improvised flower vase. Brazilians are masters at this craft. That’s why we used real examples of Brazilian houses and their owner’s habits – images that could actually relate to any other nationality.


Since most Etna’s consumers prefer going to the stores to buy their products, we built an in-store poster sequence that followed the consumer journey with unexpected suggestions of products from different sectors they were supposed to be. On our outdoor and print ads, we had a strong retail sales speech, with coupons inviting people to go to the store retrieve those offers that were, in fact, a simple joke.


The campaign started on the first week of the year of 2019 that had no sale, when the brand already expected a justified decrease in purchases. We activated our main target shoppers on social media with Instagram and Facebook ads, calling them to the store. We also published print ads on newspapers in every city Etna has stores at. The campaign was on for 2 weeks, up until the next sale came in.


Etna has an average decrease on revenue of 43% during its mid seasons campaigns, since people tend to wait for the upcoming sales. During the Buy One Get What’s Yours Back campaign, we had an increase of 14% in sales compared to the last mid-season campaign. With the campaign, Etna not only managed to establish a real connection with its customers, but also increased their website traffic in up to 17%. They also showed a 47% increase on social media interactions.

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